
When booking a reading, make sure you know your date, time and place of birth. After booking, Hannah will collect this information from you. This will allow you to ask Hannah questions about your chart. Make sure your email address is correct. You can also ask a follow-up question after you receive your reading. 

Delivery of readings typically takes 4-8 weeks, but is subject to change based on demand. Hannah will confirm your reading due date when booking. If you are a returning client please email Hannah directly at, and you will receive 10% off "1-hour readings."

When booking a live online consultation, please contact Hannah directly at - you will also receive a link to a recorded version of your session. Let Hannah know which areas you would like to focus on such as relationships, career, home life or hobbies. And please ensure you have a good internet connection and sound. Hannah will send you a link to your session.

Live Consultations are held on Thursdays and Fridays between 10am-4pm GMT or BST.

Please make sure you read the Terms & Conditions before booking.